Ep. 003 | $200 Uber Cash Benefit

Due to compliance guidance, the military benefits mentioned in this episode can’t be mentioned here on the website. But we can discuss them in more detail in our emails 😎

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Jared “Tusi” Mataitusi is a USAF Aircraft Maintenance Officer by day and a points and miles enthusiast by night. He is always discovering the edges of what’s possible and loves sharing what he learns with others.


The #1 Card for Military Members and Spouses💯

This card offers thousands of dollars in premium luxury benefits, as well as regular, everyday perks! Every military member AND their spouse should have one. And not just be an authorized user…You should each have your OWN card and you’ll double your benefits. You’ve probably heard of it before…

Links I found useful and wanted to share.


Top 5 Cards for Military Members and Spouses

Discover the world with these premium credit cards that offer special protections and lucrative benefits exclusively for military members and spouses!


Best Hotel Cards for Military Members

Long TDY coming up? Hotel cards earn anywhere from 9x to 26x points when you use the card for your hotel stay! Not to mention top-tier elite status, free breakfast, room upgrades, and free drinks. Make sure you have the right hotel card before your upcoming TDY, and your coworkers are sure to be jealous.


Best Airline Cards for Military Members

Travel a lot for work? Or hoping to travel more when you’re on leave? These are the best airline for military members and spouses, offering lounge access, companion passes, free bags for spouses, and complimentary seat upgrades.

Your home for credit card points and miles exclusively for military members and spouses